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Themost common type of oil used in baking is vegetable oil,
because it’s light in body and taste. So what happens when
you’re baking cakes or cookies and you run out of your go-to
oil? Clearly, you’re going to need a suitable substitute for
vegetable oil.
A long standing debate among bakers is the
one about the benefits of canola oil vs. vegetable
oil, and really, it comes down to individual
preferences regarding diet and taste. The two oils
are quite interchangeable, so if you need to
substitutecanolaoil forvegetableoil,goaheadand
don’t worry about it.
There are many options available that are
healthyand/or simple substitutes for vegetableoil.
For example, you can easily substitute butter for
vegetable oil; in fact, most baking recipes call for
butter rather thanoil so this is anobvious choice if
vegetable oil isn’t an option.
Top 6VegetableOil Substitutes
1. OliveOil
This oil is heavier than vegetable
oiland isagoodsubstitute forvegetableoil for frying
because it has a high smoke point, which is
necessary for frying foods. One thing to note,
though, is thatoliveoil isoverheatedpast itssmoke
point, it’sno longer ahealthyoil andcanbe just as
bad foryouasanyotheroilmightbe.Also, the taste
can be rather strong, so it’s not ideal to use it as a
substitute for vegetable oil in brownies and other
baked goods. To take advantage of its health
benefits, use olive oil at room temperature in
dressings, marinades, or as a topper for hummus
and spaghetti. The replacement values are 1:1.
Olive oil is an option in baked goods, but be
sure to use a light-flavored olive oil and not extra-
virgin olive oil. The color will tip you off. You don’t
want to use a dark, deep green olive oil; instead,
useone that isquitepale.Thedarker thecolor, the
deeper theflavor, andadeepflavorwill overpower
the taste of brownies, cakes, andmuffins.
This isanotherversatileoil and
It’s unlike other oils in that it remains solid until
heated. With its light nutty flavor and texture,
coconut oil makes a great substitute for vegetable
oil in cakes and other baked goods, and is also
deliciouswhenused for fryingmeatandvegetables.
The replacement values are 1:1.
Ifyouhaven’tused thisoilbefore
in cooking, you’ll be delighted by the nutty flavor
which imparts to food. Sesame oil is best used for
stir-friesand tocookbeef.Don’tbakewith itbecause
it will completely overpower the taste of whatever
you’re making. You can also use it as a dipping
saucewhenmixedwith soy sauce.
This is ahealthy optionwitha
light taste. Use it in salads and when making
marinades and dressings. You can cookwith it as
well, but avoidusing it for bakedgoods. It’s oneof
themoreexpensiveoils, so it’sbest todrizzle it on
foods or in salads, or to use it with dishes that don’t
call for a lot of oil.
5. Butter
Butter is perhaps the most obvious
replacement for vegetable oil, and is often the go-to
over vegetable oil in many recipes. Butter will make
your baking crisp, light brown, and flavorful. It’s an
ideal substitute for vegetable oil in baking. The
replacement values are 1:1.
6. Applesauce and Mashed Fruit
A nutritious
substitute for vegetable oil in muffins is
applesauce, because it’s moist and
naturally sweet. You can use
unsweetened applesauce, but if
you’re baking from scratch
andall youhaveonhand is
sweetened applesauce,
then cut back on the
amount of sugar the
recipe calls for. The
replacement values are
prunes is also used in
placeofvegetableoil toget
some added nutrition into
your muffins and cakes. You
may need to add a liquid to
smooth itout.The replacement
values are 1:1.
In sum, it’s actually quite
simple tosubstituteother oilsand
ingredients in cakes, muffins, and
brownies. With baking, your main
concernwill bewhether thesubstitutewill
bemildenoughso that itwon’t impair theflavor
profile of whatever you’re making. As noted above,
your best options when finding a substitute for
vegetable oil for baking are coconut oil, butter,
applesauce, andmashed fruit. In fact, you could use
acombinationof someof theseaswell. For example,
if you need one cup of vegetable oil, try using half a
cupofmayonnaiseandhalf acupof applesauce.The
added fat from the mayonnaise will make cakes or
muffins moist, but the total fat has been reduced by
adding theapplesauce.
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